The Teddleton's. You should all be very familiar with them by now. This is the 4th session I've done for them in the past 2 years - they just love having their pictures done! ;) The Teddleton's were my very first wedding as a professional photographer. Of course I assisted with others and shot a wedding with a point and shoot at the age of 15, but they was my first real wedding that kicked off my love for wedding photography. I have not gotten around to updating my new blog with their wedding photos, but if you go to my wedding portfolio and scroll down until you see a gorgeous blonde with piercing green eyes staring at you: that's them.
So when they booked me for a wedding, we also did an engagement session. The next session I did for them was their 1-year anniversary session, which you can find here. If you look through those images you'll also realize 1 unique things: Meagan has excellent taste in dresses. Every time I post an image from their session on social media, I get asked 1 question: "Where did she get her dress?!" I'll include a link to the dress at the bottom of this post.
Anyways, this session was a special one. It wasn't meant to be just a two-year anniversary session, but I'll explain that a little later. So keep scrolling if you're interested.
The interesting thing about the Teddleton's is they have been with me through all my editing changes while I figure out who I am as a photographer. They have stuck with me, and I consider them good friends at this point. I moved to Knoxville last year, and they still wanted me as their photographer even though they are in Nashville. It gave me butterflies when I first got the text, aha! ;)
Anyhow, I'll start showing you the pictures since it's what you came here for.

We also threw in the twin sister to spice things up. ;)

So for the next two pictures, I told Jordan: "Pick up Meagan and spin her around." And he took it a little to literally...

And of course, I had to take a typical hipster photo with some canoes. Am I even a real photographer if I don't?

Link to Meagan's Dress: http://www.altardstate.com/shop/apparel/dresses/altar-d-state-merry-maiden-dress.html